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Show what you know and express how you feel though comic creation with authentic avatars. Try it free!

AASL_Digital Tools Circle_2024

Pixton named Best Digital Tool for Teaching & Learning by the AASL

Proven to work

ESSA 512 Digital Promise Badge
Pixton is an effective writing tool with measured, successful impact backed by third party research.
See the research

Certified Safe
Data privacy is our priority. Pixton is vetted annually by for compliance with COPPA and FERPA.

  • iKS_CSPC
avatar Christopher 200

I love this resource, but more importantly my students love it. They use it to show their learning, to express themselves, and to have fun.  I have had many students ask to use it as a means of demonstrating their understanding of concepts.

Christopher - 6th grade ELA teacher - Ontario, Canada
