Funding Hero 1024

Need funding?

We do our best to keep Pixton affordable, but we know class budgets can simply be stretched too thin. Here are some resources to help with that!

Select an option:


Crowdfunding is a quick and easy way to make Pixton available to your students. These platforms can help you connect to a community that wants to support great ideas like yours!

Proven to Work

ESSA 512 Digital Promise Badge

Pixton is an effective writing tool with measured, successful impact backed by third party reseach.


U.S. Federal Funding

Sometimes the funding is there—you just need to access it. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires that schools spend federal funds on activities supported by evidence.

Pixton has achieved ESSA Tier 2: Moderate Evidence across multiple studies and carries a Research-Based Design Certification from Digital Promise.

Here are some documents which show how Pixton can support the requirements of various federal programs.

Use this information to justify your purchase of Pixton, or use it to create your funding page.

Select a document:

Alignment to Federal Funding

Alignment to Federal Funding

ESSA Evidence

ESSA Evidence
